Warm Pumpkin Salad
1kg butternut pumpkin, deseeded + cut into medium even-ish chunks.
2 red onion cut into moon shaped wedges
2 tbsp olive oil, plus a little to drizzle over when serving
2 tbsp za’atar
2 tbsp goats cheese - I use Meredith Dairy marinated goats cheese at room temperature
pinch of sea salt
1 tbsp of toasted pine nuts
A couple of handfuls of flat leaf parsley- to serve
Preheat the oven to 220c fan
Place a pinch of sea salt, olive oil + za’atar in a bowl + mix. Throw in the onion + pumpkin + toss around until everything is coated nicely - Place onto baking paper lined baking tray + cook for about 25 minutes until golden brown.
Assemble onto a warmed serving dish - scatter with the pine nuts, dollop the goats cheese around, top with the parsley + a drizzle of great olive oil + serve.
Serves 6 as a side